Tuesday, February 21, 2012

♥210212 The Best Concert Ever

As everyone who know Avril Lavigne ,you should know this
Avril Lavigne had perform Live In Malaysia for a concert at Stadium Merdeka on Saturday, 18th February 2012
Wow! The 1st time when I got this news from bibigun on last year, I was so excited..
know why?
To those who know me for a longer time, I had been waiting for this chance almost SIX YEARS
oh yea! I'm the one of the fans of Avril Lavigne since I was studying Form One..
So , this is the 1st concert I been in my 19 years old life..hahaha
I still remember that the first concert she been Malaysia was 2008,I was form three student who having PMR exam on that time..
guess what!? I'm cried.. because of the PMR!!
But,That is really funny XD
After the time passes, Finally she's back ...

I love Avril Lavigne ,but she wasn't my Diva..
but she's the one who I admire in my life...So,ROCK YEA!
Bought this T-shirt outside the Concert...
There's stil alot thing I wanted to buy, but.....hahaha!
So let's see how excited am I..
Before going to her concert,
Sister (Ren) brought me to Bejaya Times Square Nando's for our dinner..
So here's the biggest plate

Yeay, Our early-bird TICKET ..funny huh ~X{
p/s: this is not my hands..XP
So, Thanks sis to bought me this...When my pocket had been ''kosong''..hahahaha
We were lining up into the merdeka
Yes, the X is the Stadium Merdeka
and we had line up for 2 hour...hohoho!

picture taken by JS
Oh my god, Im almost cried out loud when I first saw Avril Lavigne standing on the stage..
I'm still remember her's funny sound, Hey yyo! Kualaaaaa Lumpur.
and every song that she sang, OH MY GOD! All were my ""super" favourite song that I keeps singing everyday!!!!!! couldn't believe that!! she's not only singing for her new song huh!!!
Ahaha, And then the end of the concert, every body had bcome so high!
my black shoes had bcome brown shoes on that time, because I can't stop jumping at the field
when Avril Lavigne just standing in front of me within 5 people distance..
I broke the green star while Im shacking it in the air..
too bad~but no idea, i was too excited on that day..
Sad, when the concert end...I'm still keeps shouting "Encore encore"
but everyone started to leaving from the Stadium Merdeka
and of cause ,Thanks sister to accompany and brought me to Avril Concert!
And the most important was, she crazy with me during the concert started..
Although, The Organizer arranged everything was not that good enough.
for example,sound system...security system..and many~
So yea, still need to improve alot
But,Thanks JS to brought her to the last tour in Malaysia ,Kualalala Lumpur.
If I got the chance , I wish I can attend Avril Lavigne's concert in Tokyo or other countries..
I think that will be much excited than attend in Malaysia
So , looking forward to Avril lavinge 5th album..

p/s: Im still feeling so excited now..XP

haha , but is time to end about my this story..

And today 21/2
let's congratulation to Mr.A that he pass his Undang Test!
He's a Genius ever in my heart..because, he just prepared for today test on last night.
cool huh ~
Im going to start my work tomorrow..
So, Hope that I still got the time to update my blog~

Bye yea