Saturday, February 27, 2010

ARrr..I'm back to updating my blog now..

next week stop to updating d~~..know why?(down stair please~)

listen..!What i'm shouting?

That answer EXAM IS COMING SOON~oh my god...

Really,i havent finished to done my revision...

In this exam,i must not enough time to prepare my exam ...T_T

My target quite easy,just want to "PASS" only..

but the percent of it..i think it's quite low..haha

i hav not enough comfident to exam...

~god bless me, please~

Ough, our chinese new year is going to pass on tomorow..

wuu~sad ...i still havent enough to get my angpau yet,,

i could felt..This chinese new year quite bored than before..hate

Haizz...Bye everything..=)

After Chinese New Year and Examination...there were somethings make me quite excited was...(tadaaa)"secret"


I'm looking forward to my birthday now...aha!!!!hope I hav lot of suprise..XD

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