Sunday, December 27, 2009

Christmas Eve

my christmas eve 

went to watch Avatar with my siblings and jun quan gor~

reached there between half past two..and we rush to took the ticket..

lucky we had already booking for the ticket before we went to there..

just could said..there were crowded of people 

pengsan there~

after finished that movie,went to KFC for tea..

hehe..=) saw many gua gua too..==l...but..cant met someone..haiz

reached  home around eight o'clock....cause my sister's boon gor was coming our home..

no idea...

i got a big turtle in this christmas...both of the brother really..

but, i like it so much~><..thanks

tutle sis..the new member with my bear..haha

my bear wont feel lonely anymore..>.O

but...i cant put in on my bed...when slep

it's too huge..==

learn a new skill for eyes make up..

i tried the liquid eyes liner...the effection on my eyes...

en..not bad..i like it...

the most important's water proof..hiahia

second day~

work at bangsar village with sister...>.O

will be continue..>>>>

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