Sunday, October 21, 2012

My Day on last Saturday.

Had a really good good life on last Saturday .
Thank you to our SecretGuy gave us a memorable day.Hahaz
so sad that we can't post up everything about this secret guy.
But , Bro ! I will respect you as my brother forever..!!!
No one can took us as his sweet...>.O

Outfit of the day, 
H&M leggings.
Levin's boutique Top
Pants from Sunway!

okie,that day ...
we decided went for a buffet ......hmm ..
So we choose to Shogun which located at Sunway.
Last hour for our meal...
arh! so so so  so full

After finished our lunch + dinner...
We decided to have a window shopping..

LOL! As wat u thinking..
It was so impossible and unbelievable to GIRLS
so NO IDEA...
we gt alot stuf frm SASA
And Im gotta said THANKIU to the SASA promoters...
I like them with their friendly service to us.

Last then,
We went to M.O.F japan restaurant for rest
And here's my Green Tea with Creamer.
I love their ice-cream so much ...since im.......15 years old..yea!
never make-up because of my poor skin.
and i hate it!!!
Looked cute har?
LOL, just kidding.

So the end of my day.....I felt that i was a Happiness kid in this world ..yumyum! ...XD
We also decide to go for a trip at Singapore during lovely Christmas month...........

Although, hmmm.........
But, im trying to tell myself ..IT WILL BE THE LAST !
is time to SAAAA~~~~~~VEEEEeeeee Money!! =D arh!! I wish to have a trip at Thailand too!!!

Alright! Times to publicize my fashion's boutique.
click here.
We not only selling clothes.
We also will bring u a lot of fashion idea and information.
So , like us! ..=)
