Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Remember the days ♥

A girl met a boy , and he told the girl that he love she .The girl was believe in.

The first time when we met, revision back, it was really awesome.
The first met, The first love , The first hands, The first kiss and the everything in First.
You just can't believe how amazing was it !
And they were unforgettable

That's how a relationship started.

A love message
A love move
A love speak
"fire came!"

Then,the date had become their anniversary .

 Thanks, the boy had giving all his love to the girl.
But, the girl  never.
The boy said ,He will be holding her hand untill someday the girl was felt tired .
At the began of love,it was difficultly for learn to control and balance a relationship.
You just can't balance ,relationship with friendship.
This is how a love motivation start.

The couple ran into a deeply love
for ....
the years.

There's a lot memories during the day
Sad and Happiness ...

Its really sweet .
The girl was feeling warm in his arm during every second ,
but he never knew it
The girl was falling apart with the boy.

Few years pass,
They gt into a crash.

The boy said, he will take care her and giving all his love to her.

But why ?Why he choose to gave up on her? 
and the girl could felt how was the pain that the boy had before.
It was hurt.
really really hurt.
Every first that they done together ,they learned ,they worked hard together, its surrounding in girl's mind.
Keep thinking repeat and repeat again.WHY?WHY?
The girl was feeling regret all the time.

but,it's too late

Heart keeps on bleeding .
He could felt her ,but he never wanted to stopped.

The girl was hoping someday,The boy that she love will come back
keep on waiting.....

HOPE will never end.
and i believe in you,don't you?

Please treasure what we got in life.

Love is just like the sand on the hand.
when you holding tight, it will never lost.