Friday, June 15, 2012

♥Hug my freedom ♥

Harlo everyone , yea.. you you you and you
Evon is back !
How do you doing? still remember me ? the pretty evon  LOL,just kidding)
SO, after 3 months, I'm here again..
and i would like to continue to write my blog about my life!

After graduated in high school.
Now,I am feeling so headache while meeting friends ,relatives and of cause aunty! 
When we first met,the first sentence they usually ask
What am I doing now and When will I continue and start my university life ..
Oh yea!when you're asking me this question..
yes! i knw you're ...hmmm... missing me.. Am I right?

Answer here,
on february, I started my FIST part-time job in padini concept store P&Co. I know some of you met me there but just cant comfirm whether is EVON? yea,you guys were right...IS me!!! LOL!
had a quite memorable time while working at there, 
at least, I could learn many thing there. 

And of cause, there still alot of thing happend on me, like having fun with the staff and argue with the staff...
and what i know was....horrible society.....ahahaha!Just kidding dude..
Honestly,...i learned to be a responsible staff , how to be patient while serving a customer( sometimes , i really can't be patient on them, cause ..THEY"RE SO F*KING OVER)...the most important to me was..Yes! Im brave to speak Melayu I'm brave to be with different races friend...
and also improve a lot of knowledge inside clothes and shoes..

well well well, 3 months ...suffer, but...i used to make the best to pass my 3 months *proud*
NO WASTING .yea =)
a good experience to improve myself

So, the next i will do is....
to apply my uni and make sure the subject i want to study for..

hmm...alright..! I'm still working in my aunty's office now
gotta stop here.
So , see you guys soon 

Before off the pc...
pleas check for my own boutique, share and like it ^^

thanks a lot
