Monday, June 18, 2012

♥Parents Day♥

Ohaiyo! Salmon Sushi, do you like it?

Happy Fathers' Day to every daddy in this WORLD!
During my Fathers' Day ,I had a great lunch buffet with my family at Salsaki .
Honestly,the food is not that special like MAIU <--the best japanese buffet restaurant that i had been untill now.
Yet we enjoyed the time that we spent together.
I just love this kind of feeling...seems like we back to childhood...It was amazing.
Blink of an eyes,three little monkeys already grew up.
This is the reason why I love my family (although sometime have some argue with family)
So, How about yours..?

Here's some photo sharing to you guys.

I just can't controlled myself to took foods .yum yummy...

           The Food that I  preferred were Cheese cauliflower and Cheese Oyster.
Of cause , we did brought our grandmom and Uncle Aunty from Sabah to enjoyed these meal together..
guess what? 
My uncle was a "gourmet" in my family! He always enjoy and knows alot about good food 
especially SEA FOOD and Japanese Food
the conclusion for the shogun buffer from him,Still not bad.
 everyone always comment that I look alike as 99% as my mom. Hmm..really?

My first time to ate Fresh Oyster.
Doesn't like it taste..(it was too fishy)
So, here's start with daddy who recommended it to all of us.
Step ONE,my daddy said, while eating Oyster ..We gotta squeezed more lemon juice onto it.

The Funny Face 

Step TWO, Open your big mouth and push the oyster into your mouth politely.
(arrrr...daddy ,feed me!! )
Finally, My daddy was satisfied after 5 or 6 Oysters!
I felt my daddy like it so much...hmm 

Oh yea! I like this !! Chocolate Fruit with biscuit.
Enjoy while eating my Favour ice-cream ( green tea)
The prettiest woman in my house-->Ren Chann (lol!!!!!)
Me and Dad,
He used to called me as his SECOND WIFE
Because, There were sooooo  many persons complain to my parents that I look alike as my mom
So ,
Capture a Sweet and Warm photo before leaving
After a year, 

I think...
This was the First family picture that we took in this year....(hmmm)
(Mom with grandma and my aunty too)
Wilson (my bro ) was learning how to strike a laugh pose that my sister's boy friend used to laugh
Do they look alike? I think my brother more handsome than BOON BOON!
This is what a good sister should be.
My Chocolate drawing on the plate before leaving there
P/S:  I was not boring, just feel like want to draw something..hahaha
So, wish you guys have a nice day X*
