Sunday, January 16, 2011

W.H.Y in my life?

I gt a busy days in my high school life..
sorrrryyyy....Im hav been late !
Nowadays,i was feeling not well and sad
Of cause thr must been something happend to me,right?

let me to tell you
1st, I was worrying about my result in spm and every exam im going to sit soon

2nd, I had an small inciddent with my parents' car on today...because of the gate!grr~
3th, I had drive my car into the wrong way~..and hon by a uncle...=( wat a stupid things tat I ever done before!
4th, I gt a bad quality society start from this year, Although im the 2nd chairman in the society..SO?..i cant control it at all..what the badddd~~~~news to me,haiz~
5th, what the frog,i get sick !
6th, unhappy life only happend on me,why?
7th, I can't believe that, Im the idiot on driving,why? =(
8th, tat's a secret
9th, its also the
I am totally gonna be crazy soon~ crying*
No one will understand me, No one will know my feeling...
and pls,dont act like you understand me ,I hate this feeling ,u know?
esp,It's reality
Two words to descipe me...BAD LUCK
conclusion to myself:
I have to pratice more to improve my driving skills..or not,i will not driving to KL for one year!!!
I just want to gt a peaceeee life in my high school life..especially,society
Not to think about spm again!
C.N.Y is coming soon,
are u ready to celebrate it?
Be honestly and seiously ,Im not ready...
Bye everyone....
C you nxt post=*)
WHY-Arvil Lavigne

Its' nt to suppose to hurt this way
(Good Luck)I need you I need you
more and more each day
Tell me , why?