Monday, January 17, 2011


I am feeling so stressed ,but i don't know ..what's happend is going on ..
Telling myself to be strong
I can't,I just can't stop my tears drop down from my eyes and heart
BUT why?
hey! Evon Chong!!! you'r the big girl now!! please,not to cry !..=/

I can't stop thinking about those useless things

Money..I need money!..Yes ,I need it!Everyone need money,
But ...who care about us?
goverment? boss? or..parents?
Be hardworking , and the most important is your dreams..
What u choose for your future,It is your choice
No one will stop ,ex ...their economy capacity do not allow
Remin ourselve
just do what you want to do and just think what you want to think

That's nothing happend ...although,i miss my sister's voice so much
Family, I love them...

Yeap,this! relationship
Sometimes,i will jealous to the sweet couple
During recess time ..anytime..
They're smiling,They're chating,They're holding hands...

although,it is really digusting when they do it in front of us..
But,this represents a symbol of love from those couple
#Dont tell me that u wil not do it to your lover for next time
everyone know love,but no one can give the proper definition of love
So,what is love?
love is the attachement that results from deeply appreciating another's godness
Love is patient ,Love is to show your action to your lover
and please, opening youself to others,be together,share your joy or sorrow,understand each other,provide space to each other,always be there for each other needs

Frienship,i need a true friend..
who will care about me and listen to me..
Yes,i have them...but sometimes...we will argue...
and argue til the end, we will get angry to each other for few day or month
Sometimes,we really looked like the children from kindergarten..
what is true friendship?
true friendship its mean,relathionship ,trust and accountanbility
we must not to blame on each other ....although,we wil done something wrong.
true friendship, it's rare...please,do not give up easily..
give a chance to each will be alright~
Do not use each other's friendship to done something they dont like.
Phw~ finally , i finish my abreaction
heres the classic song by Fergie - Big Girl Dont Cry
