Saturday, December 18, 2010

21st birthday party

Sorry for update late..=(
11/12/2010 was over d
Thanks for everyone who had attented to my lovely sister 21st birthday party
Wow, its a quite busy and happy day to me..
Because its my house second time to held a big party
and well well well..
It's my first time,I drove my car went to LRT to fetch my friend~ woho!!
p/s: So, proud of you?? You guys were the first guest who sat my car =P
Lets'[ talked about the birthday party~
So, this is our birthday girl(rennoa) on that day~pretty right?
So, here were some photo on that day

the Chan sisters
Me and Pretty sister
the group of singers were singing K in the livinf room..

So, this is my guest (pretty friends) on that day
anyway, thanks for cuming=3
The primary school gang with sister
The sweet gangs with sister
yeap,im inside too...=)
the secondary school gang with the birthday girl~
And the pretty gang ! Haha

The sweet family
The sweet couple
Siblings group

Pika Pika cake on that day

End of the topic..
My sister had perfect birthday party on that day
I think,busy is worth, for the birthday party.
next post topic will be " pavillion day "