Monday, September 6, 2010

BE honestly♥

I wanna shout it loud and
I wanna make my dreams come true and
I wanna plan how to achieve my own target and
I wanna do everythings in success and
I wanna get those what i want


(a photoshooting on june♥)

Im very serious to tell myself
The are three things i want to get in my life...'s my secrets..shhhh~~

During this holidays, I seemed as my life was in repeat

woke up @ brush teeth @ wash face @ dress up @ breakfast and attended my driving class

After finished my driving class..went for tea with my sister together....


but, theres something Obstruction

Please , i beg you la~
can you accompany your mummy and dad for few days?

Why you should changed everythings around you?
Izzit you feel shame because of your living place and your parents?
COME on ! WHAT THE HELL you'r thinking
THATS your MOM and your DAD...
THRS a place whr u grew up

BE honestly, I am very hate you since you done somethings make me hate
I am so sorry to say this
I had missed my family days since you came my home

And what the "ICUCIC"...always bring a lot of annoyance to my parents and my family and me
Can you felt tat?
Can you accept a outsider open your wardrobe?
Can you accept a person took something and dont ever ask you?

Although we have known each other for so many years....
BT,I have never seen you as my cousin

CAUSE you'r not my relative..and my relative was studied and lived in your high skul nw
you got an excellent result in school ,SO WAT?
Compared with the ordinary people, youre same with them
and, u always belive make up can change a person life, SO WAT?
If thr's no any software name in PHOTOSHOP, u can be nice? u can be confident?
GOSH! come yourself...don always photoshop to pull ur eyes to bigger eyes and make your face become small....................................

Dont you believe, one of the day, if i really beh tahan...i dunno what will i do..

And because of you, we may alwaya cancel our trip ..
And because of you, my mom scolded at me ....

Am I a selfish Gurl?
yeap, I AM....but,just for you....

everythings,just because of you

pls, be smart........


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