Early in the morning..I woke up earlier because of Insomia
Honestly, I only slept for 5 hours on yesterday night
haha..guess why?
Because of my house electric problem and dot dot dot problem infect my sleeping times!..
Luckily,the tuition had been cancel on today
So,woke up and preparing went out to breakfast with my pretty Rennoa sis

I was in blur mood when taking this picture with my giraffe toy!
So,we went to Face to Face noodle shop to had our breakfast until ~ lunch time
Finally,I ponteng my mathematics tuition class today..
Finally,I ponteng my mathematics tuition class today..
I am feeling so sorry about that .. But, Im looking forward to have a family days long time ago ..
After that, we went to Tutti Fruit which located in Sri Petaling to have our yogurt ice-cream
Nice try!! love the taste so much

We're enjoying our Yogurt Ice-cream...=)
Thanks to someone ^^

Wow! Looked at the KLCC, so ''TALL'' right? haha
just kidding..
Looked at the small kid..He's looking at my brother plying psp
And his eyes blink blink...LOL!
Before went to the Book Fair
Three of us were having our Lunch time at Little Penang Cafe

Waiting for my food ..well~ I'm hungry..

Three kids ~and my brother was looked older than us..haha

Trying my Penang Ice-Kacang~
Love it !

Bla bla bla...~
phw phw phw~
dot dot dot...~

note book for today:
If you're missing me, it makes my day to know it.
A simple call or text telling me you miss me goes a long way.
Good Luck people