The new design in my class-shirt 2011 and It was the last designed by me
Its a football shirt with Brazil style , and actually the color choose by US <-remember this
Besides, I'm not going to show How its look like..the only things which had to focus is the logo !
Because,it's nothing special =)
Just a simply design same as Football shirt (except the logo)
I love this shirt actually..But Its fxxking hot
Besides,I had falling in love with sport wear now
Everyone who know me, they should know..
I love Sunny pretty girl and boy!
Especially those who's playing volleyball at the beach,
And of cause,
who's playing Diabolo on the stage l! *hahahahaz..
Haha! Anyway~
Happy Father's Day to every papa
and my LIM papa、CHONG papa too
Byyeee DUDE!