Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Its time now!

Hey guys, i had been quite a long time didn't update my blog,since the last post which about my chinese new year

I'm here to said ..IM SO SORRY babes..Anyway,just ignore about that ,.haha

Okays! lets talked about my life ..

Erm,i just had finish my midterm exam on today..=)

I was feeling so stress during the midterm exam...every night,I couldn't sleep well...and worried about what should i do when I gt my result....stop imagine about that..T^T it must be terrible ~=o*

Of cause , i had to say...Mr.A,thanks for accompany me and chit chat with me during revision time! haha XD

Be honestly, the papers were quite difficult that i ever done in my life.A level~yeap,it obviously is truth!

Lets imagine, if i get full A in my UEC result...hoho(Drolling*)

EnD about my midterm exam now, i had to stop thinking about that, if not.....i'll become a little crazy

So, I was begging my parents to bought me an Iphone4 ....BUT,wanna knw what they said to me?

they said,Iphone4 was not suitable to me during high school life...I was feeling so so so annoying..because i wanna gt one too~~

and the other one reason was,"aiyo~N8 is better than Iphone, how come everyone wil bought that stupid stuf!? bought a new lappy better than iphone...." WHAT?! i'm totally getting crazy...my house gt so many lappy and pc now...why stil want to bought that?@_@

So, i couldn't stop to argue over with my dad.......

And the result was...*secret* =D

And yes!!! @Avril Lavigne new album release on TODAY,but so bad ..I couldn't find it =(

So,Who's going to present me?hiahia~~~

I love this song so much!!!

"wish you were here" i wish you were here and near~<3

No picture to upload on these day!!!! because,i hav seldom to camwhore now!

so miss ther dayssss...

anyway,gotta go now

say BYE!!!