Thursday, October 28, 2010

Not To Cry, Just to Tahan

Will you understand that feel ,you dun ever have a family day for many years??
your family dun trust what you said to them??
let me tell you guys,
It was horrible and sad
never mind, you can just ignore about it..
we got a lots of problem between the gurl after my mom and dad had outstation
Me , and my sister were feeling so sad because my parents dun even trust us
but "WHY"?Just because of her result was better than us,huh?
Hey, result cannot judge a person's character and personality.
They scolded us..
we're jelous...we're narrow-minded
By the way
wat we jealous fr? Why we narrow minded?
because of a word called "LIE".?
because we jealous to be uglily without make up (LOL~fun)?
because we jealous somebody who dun even have a Sinlings', Parents and Relatives' love? (Too free edi?=I)
Let me stress bout it again, i really cant tahan a person who open my wardrobe without asking me
never mind ,and wear my dresses without asking me TOO!
Do you think it is polite?
NO lo! I really disagree about it ~
Even is my family members, I wont let them to do it so
I think I have to buy a big LOCK to lock up my wardrobe next time...@ @
Im gonna be a crazier nw..
aunty always right,she told me “日防夜防,家贼难防”
What should I do nw?
Waiting? or keeps complaining to my parents?
and said
"MOM ar!! You see You see~~SHE do it again!!!"
"DAD ar!! You see You see~~how many times i complain also no use~haixx"
It will make them angry~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
I dont want to be suffer when facing my parents,anyway ,HELP!!!~~.
Thanks for Lee Family always beside of us when we're feeling upset.
Especially , Keith Kitt Brother..
You're the HERO in my life XP
Love you guys (Muakx~)
HAIZ~one month again~
BLV me...i can tahan untill that day
cheer up evon, you can wait untill that day!
I cant FORGIVE..
BUT ,I will just ignore the person in my life untill I married that day...=D LOL!
-END -
p/s: Will be update the new post about my sis's graduation

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