After long long long year passed.....finally, I've been Penang once again.
This is such an excited,amazing and impossible trip for me because for some reason (if u know me, and you will know it,LOL*)
So,lets begin my Penang 1st day story here.
Woke up in the early morning at 5 oc'clock.
WengZhen bring me up at half past six something and we met up with others at Mr.A house.
After Mcdonald as our breakfast,
we started our trip on 7.45 o'clock.
We reached Penang almost 11.15 something.
After found WZ's sister, She brought us to Hot Bowl which famous in Penang with their white curry mee to have our lunch. We're feeling hungry and non-energy after reached there.
Hungry almost killed our stomach .
Taaa..da!!!!!White curry mee in small bowl for only RM4 if im not wrong.
Comment for this, I like the taste of this.its not really spicy and the soup bring a little sweet like soya bean.
SO ,after had our lunch ...We back to our TUNE HOTEL for check-in
After that ,WZ sister brought us to Prangin Mall in penang
And we passed by the I love Moo Moo yogurt ice-cream shop,Mr.A treated me for the origin yogurt ice-cream in Moo Moo cost 10.00 only. Its not expensive....
I love the taste of the yogurt and i think that i've been falling in love.LOL!
And yea, After visit that mall...we went to find this cute U.B.A.H to have a look.
quite happy to found that.
Us in group.

the front door.
And lastly, we choose to had our dinner seat which facing the sea view.
Awesome Thai dinner.
So ,here's just our few meal on our table..and more coming up after that. HAHA
Lastly we went back to out hotel for rest. Here's my Penang 1st day . ENJOYABLE
Next will be continue my 2nd of penang.
BYE yo!