So sad that I'm going to leave away from my keyboard as soon as possible
because, My UEC trial exam is reaching soon
It's only leave three weeks..and every preparation have to start from tomorow
I hope that I can prepare it as well as I can..
Cheer up for every student from Private Chinese School
and all my friends who I love,including myself too..^^
Lets' try our best to get a flying color in our result in our last ,high school life..<3

To,Baby Hui,
Be strong..
Don't be afraid to face everything in your life
I know that, its difficult ..but...
everything will be fine on someday..
so,cheer little baby..
We will always beside of you when you need someone to hear to you..

Pimples , they keeps appearing on my face
But, its quite better than before now..
Hey,water baby
YOU'RE MY essential thing to let me live
I can't leave without you now XP
Dot dot dot..
I hope that
everything will be fine in my life...and yours too
Have a good time..=)