Saturday, March 19, 2011

I just nothing to do !

Actually, there's nothing i can post today..

Im just feeling bored, that's why..=D hope you guys don't mind ! heeee*

So , school is going reopen soon. I really don't know how many crack down on will have.

SPM Result, Parents day and dot dot dot...!! WTFrog is going on ><

Mom was ill , but now ...she's fine =D .I was happy to hear that news. thanks god <3

I should not gv up my life..right? there are so many people need me.

I have to take care my Doggie Chong, My mom , and my naughty brother.><

My holiday! Its FUN. I had watch only 2 movies during my school holiday

The 1st was World Invasion: Battle Los Angeles

For me,it's a science fiction-Allen movie which better than skyline

the 2nd was I'm No.4

I just LOVE the part when Number 6 came out

She's really cool !=D...yea! and the doggie doggie !

"Do I look mature?" ""

I'm a good girl...With a lot of bad habits

Good night ,my dearest