Monday, July 19, 2010

This few days - Renaissence Hotel

Hey hey ~finally ,i can blog nw..
Haiz..Everybody, no matter members...
asking me...WHAT AM I DOING in this few weeks...
and i just reply them
im am really very pity BUSY in this months.!!!!!

1st - Tsun Jin Idol competition
So Unluckly , we're in Final on this saturday..
But...we havent prepare yet...OH GOSSH

2nd- SPM seni folio and batik...
what the frog...i had spent all my times on it...><
and the very important things is....i nv pass up my homework ...!

3rd-prepare cheerleading competition~

4th-running competition~t
o practise
100 m , 200m ,4x100m and the last is 4x400m
its pretty hard for me.......
although last year i got a good result

5th-attend a society meeting
i may say sry to them,...really

everything i have to done in this month~=*)

Last Saturday night
i had attended a night dinner at Renaissence Hotel five star hotel
i was quite happy...
Because...Our school was going to perform on tat night...
24 drums

although i heard some bad comment from others... quite proud of them~=3

my outfit on saturday night...=)

whole dresses in white...including my bag and shoes

Yea ...The most perfect perform on that night...
"che ling" by soulD group and ....some che ling members
HAHA!!!! i heard from my uncles and aunties...
although thr were some mistaken...
But, still a Good Show
GOOD JOB ..=b~
we're the peace angels in the world
see see...see the pepsi price...=)
it was cheaper than 7-11
Who was standing on the stage?
YEAP@___@ maybe u'r right

Tsun Jin old students (uncles) group~hahaha

Lastly, i was really very happy ..=)
but, i KENA national service..
its really a bad news..
...watever...just take it easy...
JOM!!! lets go sarawak or sabah...wahahaha


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