Monday, June 21, 2010

A summer pretty DAY♥

So ,17 Jun 2010 holiday,

LOL~well well well...

SHOPPING TIME again..haha..
This time, I'm outing with sister ..

and i waited for my sister at starbucks coffee alone gain...LOL!
After sista finished her class, we quickly rushed to Sunway ..

because it already two o'clock...we couldn't wasted much time..
went to Giodano bought a couple style T-shirt for Boon bro
and also fetched edwin bro and jason bro too..=)

After we bought the couple style shirt...
We went to S.G wang again...=D

I'm trying shirt in the Padini fitting room.

So, after brought all the shirt we want and which in magazine...
We went to a which at 6th floor..

GOSH! you know?
I saw my blogger idol( know?the word start from*C*) just satting opposite my table..
haha!!when i saw her, i was quite happy...and shy too~(^___^)

BUT, seriously...she was not really nice in the real life....=(
just only in photo or video.
Watever,she still my blogger idol*
Finished lunch Around 5.30 p.m...
We went back home lur...=X

Conclusion ,
Oh dear~ i like today so much♥♥


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