Thursday, September 13, 2012


I got a new buddy now,named Dora.
She's one of the new member in Chong family.
And she had bring alot fun to me during the time i hated.
She's Labrador in 8 weeks now..hmm ,still a puppy.
That's why she had been the naughty one ,the noisy one in my house.
Harlo Dora..
Dora gt alot hobbies now, 
eating to the grass, playing alone on the backyard.biting people fingers..and so on
 And yea , I like she
I like Dora sleeping on my legs.Just like a mummy holding the baby in her hug.
this is really warm and sweet.
Dora had make my life become a little colorful.
a little fun now.
cause she's just like my child..

Wondering will she still the same when she grow up..LOL!
wish she still the same.
Okie , been few months,I never update my own picture to my blogspot .
Feeling quite shy now.
I just want to write down everything happen in my life.

not to feel alone.

by the way, i had been missing myself

I couldn't felt anything now.
I just felt my heart beat in every second moment.

I am so fucking sick with this feeling.
BUT, I dunno how to describe the feeling now..