Sunday, February 6, 2011

The 1st~3rd days of cny

Ow~my cousin baby...kawaii neh~~she looked like snow white

the 1st day of chinese new year...we backed to our hometown(kuantan)

we started at 1 p.m..but,we reached at almost..five or six in evening,i guess~

It was our 1st spent long hours to been there..

bla bla cousin were watching to the television while im taking picture..><

So,the 2nd day of chinese new year..we din been anywhere,just stayed at home ..wait for the times passes by

AtNight , we went to my aunty house for dinner

After tat , we been to cinema to watched "All's Well Ends Well 2011"

erm,wat could i said was...not really funny, for me the story was..." normal" ..haha

So,the third day...backed to KL...=D\

we're not malay...we're "alibaba chinese "from malaysia(just a joke)


'Bye now <3